Knowledge and Learning Archive

I’ve been thinking about enrolling in some form of higher education program for several years.  I do have concerns about being able to devote the required time to the program, but I feel that I am in a much more “learning oriented” mindset than I was at age 18.  Not sure whether I would pursue a degree related to my current field; though it would make logical sense, I’ve already assembled a collection of domain experience that serves me well in what I do.  In some ways, I think it would be more logical to pursue other areas of interest where I haven’t had the same level of opportunity to learn it from the inside out.

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MAKE | Dropping a Magnet Through a Copper Pipe

Posted April 19, 2012 By Landis V

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Thought-provoking day

Posted July 16, 2011 By Landis V

While it would seem a poor day for typing (my grammar, spelling, and punctuation is atrocious this evening), it’s a fantastic day for thoughts.  I watched the girls today while my wife was working in Omaha, and it was probably our best day together since it was just myself and my eldest.  We actually had fun!

I thought about location and movement of people as I watched my wife’s return home based on a client application on her Android phone, and I think the most apt name for the current 20-30 somethings is the “Location Generation”.  Between Google’s Latitude and 4square and the like, everyone knows where everyone else is at.  If you think nobody knows where you are and you have any online social presence whatsoever (or even have friends who do), you’re lying to yourself.

Had a few great sociopolitical short discussions with people, and had the opportunity to become of people who I share context with.  Aspiring presidential candidates who have near-literal references to my own ideals, and people with similar thoughts who challenge me.  Old friends who influenced my development.  Expanding my horizons on ventures in which I am currently involved (though probably not of great consequence to anyone but myself).  I do appreciate social networking as a whole, and I think Google+ has some really great things to offer.

Lots of great social, political, and family things.  Plus, it’s my anniversary!  What amazing changes in two years, and even more in three.  No more “io sol uno”; I am truly blessed.  Tomorrow comes sooner than my preference would dictate, as always.  I had best find my way to a brief rest and rejuvenation.  Farewell for now, Internets.

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Posted May 18, 2011 By Landis V

” Post-Gutenberg, the scarce resource is knowledge and insight, not access to data.” — Seth Godin,

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Posted April 12, 2011 By Landis V Original paper linked in the article. Check for SATA drives, USB flash drives

The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell. — Confucius

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. — Edmund Burke

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