People Archive

Bucket List

Posted August 16, 2014 By Landis V

It’s difficult for me to start a specific “bucket list”, as I want to do just about everything that can be done, and see just about everything that can be seen, but I realized this afternoon that I didn’t have a central repository for these kinds of “someday” things.  So I decided to start one.

Places To See/Visit

This is a list of places I’d like to see or visit in my travels, both in the continental US and worldwide.

Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona, AZ

Ran across a few pictures of this area while surfing around today.  Beautiful.

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I’ve always found Mike to be a pretty interesting fellow.  I think he’s a lot more hopeful than I am… and more likely to compromise and work across the aisle.  I guess it’s probably good that some people are, but I’m to the point where I have absolutely no faith and think we need to just pick sides and go our separate ways.

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I find the perspective of transparency, up to and including pricing, very interesting.

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Without a doubt there are some things here I can improve upon, even as much as I enjoy meeting and talking to people and the importance of being able to do so in some areas of my life.  I’m always awed by people who can – and do – effortlessly strike up a conversation with anyone and create a very genuine and memorable experience.  Most of the time I get through it, but I lack the natural, effortless ease that these folks have.  I suspect probably the biggest factor to success is “more practice!”

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Fantastic article everyone should read about Gary Johnson.  I think his positions are largely fairly clear, but the article gives you a chance to get to know him.

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William James – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted April 21, 2012 By Landis V

Charles Renouvier

via William James – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This should lead to some further reading on the aforementioned Renouvier and Will To Believe/Free Will

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