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Useful/relevant Arduino tutorial for programming an ATTiny85

Bought an Arduino kit recently and have done just a little bit with it, but not much.  One of the projects I’m looking at uses an ATTiny85 to reduce CPU for a 433MHz receiver (https://github.com/pilight/pilight_firmware), so I bought some ATTiny85’s and will need to program them.  That can be done using Arduino 1.6 – reference […]

More 434MHz stuff to look at later

Acurite #0899 self emptying rain gauge – at Amazon Blog post on reversing the signal from Acurite temperature sensors; may be similar for the rain gauges.  Also mentions the RTL SDR.  Probably wouldn’t be bad to have. Another blog post regarding reading the Acurite 5n1 station.  Possible that part of this will already cover the rain […]

The Largest List of Brewing Hops | MoreBeer

https://www.morebeer.com/articles/homebrew_beer_hops Pretty comprehensive post.

How To Use Vagrant To Create Small Virtual Test Lab on a Linux / OS X / MS-Windows

http://www.cyberciti.biz/cloud-computing/use-vagrant-to-create-small-virtual-lab-on-linux-osx/ Good step through on a Vagrant setup.

Antenna Patterns and Their Meaning – Cisco

http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/collateral/wireless/aironet-antennas-accessories/prod_white_paper0900aecd806a1a3e.html This was a good read, probably somewhere a little north of basic, but some very good and helpful detail.  Not what I had been searching for, but well worth the pause to read before continuing to research good short-hop, high throughput antennas and the noise effects of horizontally and vertically polarized noise sources on […]

Heating Elements

http://www.theelectricbrewery.com/heating-elements Info on wiring for heating elements for brew kettles, along with links to build info using PIDs and SSRs for temperature control.

Some updated LXC networking, plus Linux network namespaces

Four very good articles I’ve encountered today regarding networking in Linux containers. This is a space that has blossomed and matured surprisingly quickly, and many of the frustrations I had previously encountered are gradually being solved. I was initially researching veth’s and bridging a container network to the host network. I have a container inside […]