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Data manipulation tricks: Even better in R – Computerworld

http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9247455/Data_manipulation_tricks_Even_better_in_R Interesting walk through comparing R with Excel, and looking at how to do some of the same things, with additional links to a quick start on the language.

FCC defends new net neutrality proposal – Network World

http://www.networkworld.com/news/2014/042414-fcc-defends-new-net-neutrality-280996.html Meh.

Nebraska Sales Tax Statutes

http://www.revenue.nebraska.gov/legal/regs/slstaxregs.html Need to read through this more thoroughly.  What a mess.  Sales tax should be for tangible goods.  No wonder people get into trouble with taxes.  I used to believe it was normally related to shady practices, but now I’m more inclined to think people just didn’t know (because the taxes they were liable for […]

Constructing a Backyard Half-Barrel Brewery | MoreBeer

http://morebeer.com/articles/building_a_brutus_10_brewery Quick read, saving in case I ever reach the point where something of this size makes sense.

Smelting Furnace

http://www.sparetimelabs.com/newfurnace2/newfurnace2.php Looks like some good design ideas in the event I ever get around to doing something like this.  Some other interesting reading here as well if I ever get around to setting up my feed reader.

Cisco can’t shield customers from patent suits, court affirms
