Communications Archive

I picked up a couple of POGO-V4-A1-01’s from eBay for $7.50 apiece shipped and thought I might try using them for sensor devices and/or generic simple alerting systems.  The hardware mod listed in this forum will be very helpful in adding another interface to the device, as my understanding is that it will only boot from the USB or the SATA port, and the device will be much more useful if the USB port is available for peripherals.

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It seems somehow I’ve never managed to run across this particular article describing path MTU discovery (PMTUD) in conjunction with IPSec and GRE tunnels.  Scenario 10 is a particularly good and detailed description of how it can go, even taking into account situations common to PPPoE DSL connections which have an MTU of 1492 (the 1400-byte MTU link in the scenario would have the same effect).

Ran across this one while looking for any documentation/information about AT&T ignoring the DF/”don’t fragment” bit and proceeding to fragment at will, breaking path MTU discovery.  I’d love to find a way to get them to stop doing that on my connections, and just let the protocol work as it is supposed to.

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I tinkered with this at work, but found it lacking from a production standpoint.  This may be due in part to working outside my typical Debian-based comfort zone.  Will probably look at it again at home and see if it shows more promise with experience.

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Integrates with netfilter using QUEUE.  Interesting methodology, potentially quite useful.

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Some cool stuff here if I get a chance to get back to it.  In most cases I don’t care too much about where a notification comes in, but there’s some useful info on communications between systems.

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Surprisingly short read, with incredibly little – effectively “no” – information on anyone actually implementing it.  Unsure at this point if anyone actually has, if it’s something that’s just done within larger proprietary systems, or whether it’s not done at all because clients don’t take advantage of it.  Virtually every reference I could find to “SSIDList” or “id-aca-wlanSSID” points back to the RFC documents.  This probably means that I need to create a few certificates, some with the attributes and some without, and test some clients to see if they will actually use the certificates automatically to associate to a WPA2 EAP-TLS protected network when they have a certificate with a matching ID.  Time will probably not allow for this at any point in the near future.

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Nice write-up.  Very straightforward and easy to follow.  I was searching for info on extendedKeyUsage with automatic SSID/certificate matching (per RFC4334), so this wasn’t quite it, but was noteworthy.

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