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Bray’s One Month Mead – Home Brew Forums

http://www.homebrewtalk.com/f30/brays-one-month-mead-429241/ After making my mead this past weekend, I still have around 12lbs of honey left.  I ran across this recipe in the past and thought I had bookmarked it; I hadn’t.  Doing so now, as this seems like another interesting possibility to try out with my remaining honey.

Electric Heat Stick Brew Kettle Plan

I mentioned in a recent post that I had come into the opportunity to use a nice size stainless steel (formerly steam jacketed) pot as a brew kettle.  My initial thought was that I needed to purchase a considerably larger propane burner with a much higher BTU output, but a friend who has recently completed […]

DIY Pin Lock Socket – Mr.Beer® Fans Forum

http://www.mrbeerfans.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php/topics/276496/DIY_Pin_Lock_Socket.html I was at Menards the other day and it crossed my mind that I needed make one of these so I could place the o-rings on my pin lock dip tubes.  I picked up a Mastercraft deep well 13/16″ socket, finally got around to cutting the slots in it today, and it works great. […]

DIY Stir Plate Build

I recently posted a link to a DIY stir plate build and needed to get started on my own list to keep track of supplies I have, supplies I need, and where I’m at in that task.  (Note:  As of 2/5, I completed this mostly with equipment I had on hand.) Part List List of […]

Bev-Seal Ultra 235 Notes

Reason and Purpose When I first started to consider the process of fabricating my own keezer, there was a great deal I didn’t know and many components with which I was unfamiliar.  I did know that vinyl tubing has a tendency to influence the mediums it transports, and I wanted to get an idea how […]

How to make Belgian Candi Sugar | An Engineer and His Carboy

http://joshthebrewmaster.wordpress.com/2010/11/27/how-to-make-belgian-candi-sugar/ I heard about making one’s own candi sugar from a friend today, so this made my list as well.  I’m pleasantly surprised at how straightforward it is, and another item on the seemingly endless list of things one can learn without half trying once introduced to the hobby of brewing.

Kegerator/keezer notes for future analysis

Note:  This document is a work in progress and will change frequently.  It’s my kegerator scratch pad if you like. I got at least a portion of the components for my keezer setup this afternoon, along with a 40 gallon boil kettle and several carboys.  Now we can really make beer, as well as some […]